There are 84 taxi companies in Guangzhou with 16000 taxis in different colors such as maroon, yellow, blue, green and khaki. What are the differences? In Guangzhou, if a taxi company owns more than 1,000 cabs it is considered a large company. Only 3 out of that 84 reach such a scale, and enjoy a good reputation among citizens. The three companies are the yellow taxis of the Baiyun Group, the blue taxis of the Guangjun Group, and the maroon taxis of Guangzhou Transportation Group.
Drivers from the three taxi groups are professionals and familiar with every part of the city.
About yellow cabs:

All of the drivers are local Guangzhou citizens and familiar with the city. The taxis are distributed, mostly in old districts like Liwan, Yuexiu and so on
About blue cabs:

Half of the drivers are Guangzhou locals and half of them are from other cities. The cabs are clean, comfortable and distributed all over Guangzhou
About maroon cabs:

Most of the drivers are from Guangzhou or Guangdong province. The cabs are mostly distributed in old districts like Liwan, Yuexiu and so on
Booking a taxi in Guangzhou: 96900, 96122, 020-86231800
Editor: canton fair |