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Stamp of Inefficiency

Stamp of Inefficiency


    The fact that the approval of a project needs more than 50 official stamps indicates the low efficiency of some local government departments, says an article in Sanqin Metropolis Daily. The following is an excerpt:

    To build a 300,000 sq m creative industry park in Guangzhou, the developers have been trying to get official approval from Guangzhou government departments for more than eight months.

    The reason for the delay is the shifting of responsibility between various government departments and the need for 50 official stamps.

    Lian Weifeng, a deputy to the Guangzhou municipal People's Congress, told a recent conference that low efficiency and poor coordination of government departments had affected Guangzhou's business environment.

    It is ridiculous to believe that the more stamps a project has, the more authoritative the approval. Many government bodies involved know nothing about a creative industry, not to mention their ability to correctly examine the project.

    An approval does not need the participation of so many people. A few professional staff can fully shoulder the responsibility.

    The streamlining of government departments cannot remain only as a slogan. Behind the 50 stamps, many things need to be streamlined. Every stamp involves several government servants, most of whom have nothing much to do.

    Huge, messy government departments have a negative impact on administration. We cannot wait to get rid of the idle civil servants to raise efficiency.